Stone School
Stone School April 25, 2015 at 4:06pm It started out as a one room schoolhouse in school district #1 (Now school district #142) in 1863 and was replaced by a brand new 1 room schoolhouse built of stone from the Bohme’s Quarry in 1880. Stone School had 8 grades and was located at 147th near Central (now 147th near Linder Avenue). Here is the location on a 1900 map:

And a photo from 1938 of the still standing Stone School:

And here is the location today, appropriately, a day care is now located on the site:

By 1924 the student body of 56 began to outgrow the one room Stone School and a brand new Forest Ridge School on 149th street just east of Laramie was opened in 1928 with two classrooms, a stage, and an auditorium used as a gym. Here is a photo of the Forest Ridge School from 1938: